
Education of Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse in Public Schools

Don't you think that education about sexual abuse in public schools would bring the number of abuse down? It only makes sense to me that these matters be brought up to the growing children (the potential victims) so they would learn and know the difference between a kind, caring adult, and a predator looking to take advantage.

I think everyone, including children, should have the right to know if someone is trying to take advantage if them. Children, being so young and naive, can fall prey to many unlikely events. Many of the children that have been sexually abused are abused by someone they know, majority of the time it is someone close to the family, and horiffically could be stepfather, uncle or grandfather. And much of this happens right behind the parents' backs. If you had a little boy or a little girl, and their grandfather was touching them after you "took them to grandpa's house," wouldn't you want your child to tell you what was going on, since of course your father is not going to tell you that he's touching your child inappropriately? I know if it was my child, I WOULD WANT THEM TO TELL ME.
Many victims keep quiet because they're embarrassed, because their perpetrator told them "don't say anything to anyone because this is our little secret" or the victim might feel like it's their fault.

With a Prevention through Education program, children will learn to identify inappropriate behaviors of adults, they will learn to speak up and stand up for themselves so that they will not be coerced in a sexual manner, they will learn that it is wrong for anyone, even if it's someone that they are supposed to trust, to try and do bad things to them.

What is the wrong in that? And why are so many people against this. This kind of education will not only help them while they are children. I truely believe this kind of education will benefit teenagers as well, from adult predators, and teenaged peers. A Prevention through Education program can also help the youth with self-esteem, because they will be learning the crucial skill of standing up for what they believe.

I believe that education is the key to knowledge, through this key is the path to successful prevention. Through prevention we protect not only the physical, but also the mental lives of many. This is a grand way to protect our children, our youth, our future.
-Cherryspirit aka Crystal Vu


Raising Awareness

The purpose of this blog is to give anybody that has been sexually abused an outlet, for them to be able to tell their story while remaining anonymous. If you have a story that you need to get off of your chest, you can contact me and I will post your story on this blog so that others will know what you had to go through. I promise the only thing that everyone will know about is your story, and I promise I will not disclose anything else about you, but you will be referred to as my friend.

Anyone can be subjected to sexual abuto se, be it verbal, mental, physical, young, old, male or female.

I think the biggest problem with sexual abuse being so close to home, is that parents don't feel like anything bad can happen to their little one. Little do they know...

I think parents really need to educate their kids. There's a new book out now by Linda Garner called "Some Secrets Hurt" where the main character is a child, and has been sexually abused by someone close to the family. The book is for a parent to read to their child, to help prevent or stop these horrible things from happening.

I heard about her on the news and was so excited to see that she's strong enough to come forth with what happened in her past. From what I remember, her story was inspired by her actual past. When she was a little girl, she was sexually abused by one of her relatives, and being an adult now, she's gained enough strength to tell her secret.
If you want to check it out, it's somesecretshurt.com. I will hopefully be getting in touch with her soon so that I can set up an interview with her.

And what is up with that doctor up on the east coast? He was a pediatrician. The police investigated his office to find what.... camera and recording equipment... oh yeah and that pediatrician had over 100 hours of video of him fondling, kissing up on, touching, groping these little kids, as young as THREE MONTHS! How sick and disgusting is that? Lucky a little two year old girl told her parents that the doctor "kissed her funny!" Otherwise, this dirty old man would keep feeling up these CHILDREN! What is even more bothersome is that there were a couple of reported cases where children tried to come forth and say that this doctor touched them inappropriately, but they were dismissed because the doctor was just being "friendly." Where was child services in all of this??? Why wasn't he investigated before hand? And why didn't their parents listen to what their child was saying??? How many of these children underwent multiple abuses by this doctor because their parents kept unknowingly taking them back to be molested?



nasty old men and little girls

so i have had some awful memories. i want to share them with the world, so that perhaps it would open some eyes, so that others can see behind the scenes of some terrible things, about how people can manipulate you, and use you to their advantage.

and it makes me so angry to hear about people molesting and killing young children. this morning i briefly read part of an article about child trafficking in south africa. it's disgusting.

well, i am in the library, and just now for some reason, a memory popped in my head. i almost started crying. when i was 13 or 14, still in junior high school, AIM was such a popular thing. you instant message all your friends.. blah blah blah..

one day, one of my friends messaged me. i began typing back and forth to him, and he told me that it was actually tim's dad. he was being nice, seemingly concerned with my well being.

how is school for you?

i dont really have any friends. so many rumors were floating around about me that it was taboo for people to talk to me.

oh well that's too bad...what are the rumors about?

some boy has been telling everyone that i slept with him. (i didnt even know how sex worked until i lost my virginity a few years after this incident)

are you feeling stressed out about it?

yeah, i guess it is a little stressful. but i guess it's okay

maybe you need a massage or something. have you ever had one of those?

well sometimes i ask someone to rub my shoulders.

you know what would feel even better?

what's that.

if you start rubbing your nipples.

what does that do? (i am completely naive. i know nothing about sex. i know nothing about anything that is not innocent)

it'll just make you feel really relaxed.


does that feel good?

i dunno it doesnt feel like much of anything.

well maybe if you rub yourself between your legs.

what? why?

because that's a spot that really relieves a lot of stress. a lot of people dont tell you that because it's like a secret spot.

how would that relieve my stress?

oh if you rub yourself down there in little circles, you'll see what i mean. it'll feel reallly good and you'll feel better soon.

i dont know if i want to do that...

just try it out, put your hand inside of your panties, and just use your little fingers to rub your clitoris in little circles. do you know what your clitoris is?


it's that spot that you've got to rub inbetween your legs, it's a special place that will make you feel really good.

i am feeling really uncomfortable. i have to go.

so i signed off of my aim, not sure of what to think about what just happened. i never talked to that man again.

for so many years, i kept telling myself that oh, maybe tim was just messing with me... i never talked to him. i saw him at school and he was friends with my friends. i was completely in denial about it possibly being his dad, saying those awful things to me..

i usually forget about that. but sometimes when i suddenly remember, it makes me feel so sick. to think that he might have been stroking himself while envisioning a young girl touching her private areas.

i want to do something about it, so maybe i can have some closure one day, but i dont think there's anything that i would be able to do. it's been about ten years since that conversation occurred.. but it still haunts me from time to time...
